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Auto White Russian

Auto White Russian Strain Created by Serious Seeds

Autoflowering inbred hybrid, mostly Indica
Our first autoflowering variety. An easy plant to grow everywhere. Good for beginners and great for outdoors on (city) balconies or small gardens.
Recommended veg.
None, automatic strain
Indoor flowering
Autoflowering, whole life cycle= 70-80 days
Indoor yield
40-75 gram per plant
Outdoor harvest
70-80 days
THC level
CBD level
€ 50,00

Pack size

Strain Description

Our first autoflowering variety. An easy plant to grow everywhere. Good for beginners and great for outdoors on (city) balconies or small gardens. The more sun or artificial light they receive the better the results.

Bushy, sturdy with side branches and vigorous growth. Every 3 years or so, we produce a new batch of seeds. The next generation is usually a little better than the old one. This means autoflowering White Russian is now better than ever before.

Plants grow quite uniform to a final height of 70 to 90 cm, sometimes more. The end height and yield depends mostly on how much light (or sun) a plant gets in its life. Starting to grow first in small pots keeps the plants small. We recommend planting the seeds straight into the final container or pot. Most plants grow good sized buds and can yield 60 to 80 grams or more.

The more light they receive (in strength and/or in hours) during their life, the better the final result will be. All plants will be beautifully covered in a layer of trichomes. Most plants will finish between 70-75 days after germination, while few need more time, up to 80 days. The potency of Autoflowering White Russian #1 (the first batch)was tested by CANNA lab in Spain and was with 17% THC the highest tested autoflowering strain. Pleasant smell and taste like the White Russian strain. Everybody can now grow this great SERIOUS CLASSIC STRAIN in its AUTO-FEM FORM!

Autoflowering White Russian #1 – 
Serious Seeds’ autoflowering premiere

Text & Photos: Green Born Identity – G.B.I.

Auto White Russian StrainIt took a while until Serious Seeds jumped onto the autoflowering wagon with a first own auto strain, such things always take a bit longer there, but of course the laudable reason for this is to be found in the high quality demand that Serious Seeds is committed to for the sake of the customer - They never get into a rush, don’t hastily throw poor or mediocre strains onto the market just to follow a current hype as fast as possible. For a longer time already, autoflowering breeding experiments had been going on in the test gardens of Serious Seeds, and it took Simon, the owner and breeder of Serious Seeds, more than two years to develop his very first auto strain which is Autoflowering White Russian #1. Needless to say much here about the legendary White Russian strain, with 22% THC, this superb evergreen ranks amongst the most potent strains there are, being a mostly indica cross of Serious Seeds’ own AK-47 and the famous White Widow. Simon chose Joint Doctor’s Lowryder #2 as a breeding partner for White Russian to create Autoflowering White Russian #1 (Lowryder #2 x White Russian). The addition “#1” indicates that Serious Seeds aims at advancing this strain in the future, so Autoflowering White Russian #2 will follow one day. And Simon honestly admits that AWR #1 isn’t perfect yet. While its flavour and potency are already excellent, it still produces two different phenotypes, one with a more airy flower cluster formation, yielding less than the second one which has denser buds and is predominant, luckily. So yields can vary between 10-20 grams according to Serious Seeds which may sound quite little compared to the auto strain harvest figures other seed banks are promising. But according to my experience, quite a lot of other auto strains do fall into the 10-20 grams category as well in truth… while Serious Seeds doesn’t promise any misleading figures. AWR #1 has a life cycle of 70-80 days from seed (after germination) to end and arrives at heights of between 70-100 cm. However, Serious Seeds puts much emphasis on the fact that using large pots right from the beginning is of utmost importance for tapping the full potential of AWR #1. While of course also other factors such as light and temperature have an influence on this, he has found out in two big pot comparison cultivation experiments that for bigger heights and yields, it is crucial to use big pots, e.g. 9 litres, and also to directly plant germinated seeds into a big pot and not into a small pot first: “In one grow we used small pots with soil first, when the plants had a few true leaves, they were transplanted into bigger pots, 9 liters. Final plant heights were around 40 cm mainly, some about 60 cm. But a second test of 80 seeds, which we put into the same 9 litre pots right after germination, yielded plants of generally 80-100 cm with some of 110-120 cm. This lead me to the believe that the response given from the taproot when it hits a impenetrable wall (the bottom of a small pot) apparently directly influences the end height of the plant. Also, if the plants are root-bound in a small pot at an early stage already, flowering seems to set in earlier. But I still have to run a direct 50% small pots / 50% big pots head to head comparison to ultimately prove all this.” The results of a German outdoor grower reconfirmed though what Simon had found out, so using pots of at least 9 litres and direct seed planting is a rewarding thing obviously and can be considered an essential factor already.

The more light Autoflowering White Russian #1 gets, the better the growth and bloom performance will be, so lights on all around the clock is to be recommended. As for outdoor cultivation, Simon underlines that AWR #1 may be susceptible to mildew in periods of continuously rainy whether, recommending to control the plants every day and possibly harvest a bit earlier if there’s mildew and the plants are close to maturation.

Two other German growers, Mr. Power Planter and Ellis D., put Autoflowering White Russian #1 to the test this summer, both under natural light, in the garden and on the balcony respectively. However, Ellis D. started his cultivation cycle three weeks earlier than Mr. Power-Planter, on June 2th. At that time he didn’t know about the rule to use big pots and not to transplant from smaller to bigger pots, nor did Mr. Power Planter. So Ellis D. started three seeds in Jiffy pots and after germination, he planted the Jiffies into one litre pots first, filled with seedling soil. As the weather was bad, cold and rainy, he decided to put the seedlings under two fluorescent lights when the wheather was cloudy or rainy, and only put them onto the balcony when there was sunshine. Also, he extended the photoperiod to about 22 hours by using the lights. He kept it like this for five weeks. In the meantime, after 12 days, Ellis D. had transplanted them into 6.5 litre pots filled with Plagron Standard Mix soil. After three weeks, the three AWR #1 plants had grown very compact, measuring 18, 21 and 23 cm in height. At that point of time, all of them had produced first female preflowers, so they were about preparing to enter into the flowering stage. After five weeks, the wheather got much better with lots of sunshine and there was a good stable forecast for the following weeks as well, so the plants were solely grown on the balcony now. Both the flowering effect and sunshine encouraged the plants to keep on stretching a bit in the first three weeks of flowering, but at the age of six weeks, height growth seemed to have stopped, at heights of only 24, 30 and 33 cm, with short side branches. Which, as we know, was a result of the small pots Ellis D. used in the beginning, and the white blue spectrum of the fluorescent lights used in the first five weeks probably added to this.Auto White Russian Strain

But while the three AWR #1 plants were small in height, they were quite big in bud production luckily! After eight weeks, i.e. five weeks of flowering, flower formation was already very dense and handsome, with the buds looking very much like indica, however, with a very appealing ratio of calyxes to leaves. And there also was a good amount of resin on the buds, spreading a fruity sweet scent. The medium plant though corresponded to the phenotype with a not so dense flower production, while equaling the others in terms of resin production. About two weeks later, when the plants had reached full maturity after life cycles of 71, 74 and 79 days, the three plants had built beautiful top colas of very respectable sizes, the two fatter ones even were chunky and rock-hard, reminding of the original White Russian strain. Ellis D. was very well pleased with the resin amounts produced by the three plants, and their odour was fantastic, totally sweet and a bit fruity as well. Harvest work naturally was quickly done, and after Ellis D. had dried the AWR #1 buds, he was not too surprised that the two better plants, in spite of their small height, with yields of 15 and 17 grams were ranging in the upper region of the harvest amount potential stated by Serious Seeds, thanks to an excellent bud structure. The third plant yielded 12 grams. Smoking the AWR #1 buds proved that this first Serious auto strain is amazingly potent, delivering a strong indica head and body turn that lasted for over an hour, not totally paralysing Ellis D., but deeply relaxing him and in the end, when the effect was gone, also leaving him feeling kind of refreshed. Thumbs up also for the pleasantly sweet and mild taste.

Mr. Power Planter also grew three Autoflowering White Russian #1 plants, but in contrast to Ellis D. directly planted the germinated seeds into 9 litre pots, and he started three weeks later than his test colleague. Which proved to be a good decision, as then the wheather would get much better only two weeks later, warmer and brighter. Mr. Power Planter placed the AWR #1 plants into his south-facing garden one week after germination. Where they did very well, soon growing larger and taller than Ellis D.’s plants, also with longer side branches. One plant was a bit smaller though than the other two. The autoflowering effect set in after 3-3.5 weeks and in the following weeks yielded surprisingly fat roundish top buds that also were pretty resinous, just like Ellis D’s plants, in fact, even a bit more, leading to an accordingly even stronger odour that otherwise was very much the same, fruity sweet. Mr. Power Planter’s AWR #1 plants were ripe after 72, 74 and 79 days. In the end they had arrived at heights of 37, 49 and 55 cm, yielding accordingly more than Ellis D’s ones: 18, 21 and 23 grams, so the yield figures stated by Serious Seeds were even slightly exceeded by two plants, and the rule to use big pots and plant seeds directly into the end pot was once again confirmed.

Mr. Power-Planter also was impressed very much by the indica strength of Autoflowering White Russian #1, considering it the most potent auto strain smoke experience he has had so far. Now both Ellis D. and Mr. Power Planter are looking forward to Auto Kali Mist (the next Serious auto strain to be released in the future, already under construction), Auto AK-47, Auto Bubble Gum and Auto Chronic...

Green Born Identity – G.B.I.

Strain Reviews

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3 Reviews

SiobhanVerified buyer

Got these as a freebie and did not expect what I got. She was the biggest, highest yielding Auto I have grown to date. She easily made herself comfortable in a 3x4 tent with no room for any friends. She had over a dozen main colas growing around the actual main cola. I have never seen a plant be so happy through the whole growing process and take feeding mishaps like a champ. No pests - super fly frass helped with that and she did not disappoint during harvest. over 300g off one plant. Dried and cut weight. I cannot wait to pop the second seed and see what she does!

Marko Z.Verified buyer

Super Produkt, serious seeds have the best plants in the world. My favorite seed company. Thank you

Waidhas J.Verified buyer

I ordered autoflow white Russian for the first time and was very surprised how good they grew up. It took more time to grew them up as in the info box, but in the end I was very pleased about the result, it was amazing